Research Achivements
Sasawaki Y, Inokawa H, Obata Y, Nagao S, Yagita K*., Association of social jetlag and eating pattern with sleep quality and daytime sleepiness in Japanese high school students.,
J. Sleep Res.,Online ahead of print, 2022. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13661.
Nakai H, Tsuchiya Y, Koike N, Asano T, Ueno M, Umemura Y, Sasawaki Y, Ono R, Hamuro J, Sotozono C, Yagita K*. Comprehensive Analysis Identified the Circadian Clock and Global Circadian Gene Expression in Human Corneal Endothelial Cells.,
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 63, 16, 2022. doi: 10.1167/iovs.63.5.16.
Circadian key components CLOCK/BMAL1 interferes with segmentation clock in mouse embryonic organoids.,
Umemura Y, Koike N, Tsuchiya Y, Watanabe H, Kondoh G, Kageyama R, Yagita K*., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 119, e2114083119, 2022
The clock modulator Nobiletin mitigates astrogliosis-associated neuroinflammation and disease hallmarks in an Altzheimer's disease model.
Wiroanto M, Wang C-Y, Kim E, Koike N, Gomez-Gutierrez R, Nohara K, Escobedo Jr G, Choi JM, Han C, Yagita K, Jung SY, Soto C, Lee HK, Morales R, Yoo S-H, Chen Z., , FASEB J., in press.
Quantitative morphometric analysis of molar teeth and alveolar bone in aged mice using micro-computed tomography.,
Ono R, Abe M, Koike N, Inokawa H, Tsuchiya Y, Umemura Y, Sasawaki Y, Yamamoto T, Wakisaka S, Kanamura N, Yagita K., J Oral Biosci., 63, 265-270, 2021
Effects of constant light exposure on allergic and irritant contact dermatitis in mice reared under constant light conditions,
Mizutani H, Tamagawa-Mineoka R, Yasuike R, Minami Y, Yagita K, Katoh N., Experimental Dermatol, 30, 739-744, 2021, doi: 10.1111/exd.14308
Circadian regulation of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathic pain and the underlying transcriptomic landscape.,
Kim HK, Lee SY, Koike N, Kim E, Wirianto M, Burish MJ, Yagita K, Lee HK, Chen Z, Chung JM, Abdi S, Yoo SH., Sci Rep, 10, 13844, doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-70757-w., 2020
Chronic circadian misalignment accelerates immune senescence and abbreviates lifespan in mice.,
Inokawa H, Umemura Y, Shimba A†, Kawakami E, Koike N, Tsuchiya Y, Ohashi M, Minami Y, Cui G, Asahi T, Ono R, Sasawaki Y, Konishi E, Yoo S-H, Chen Z, Teramukai S, Ikuta K and Yagita K*., Sci. Rep.,10, 2569, doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-59541-y., 2020
Development of the Circadian Core Machinery in Mammals.
Umemura Y, Yagita K*. J. Mol. Biol., in press.
Enhanced metastatic grow justify-content-centerth after local tumor resection in the presence of synchronous metastasis in a mouse allograft model of neuroblastoma.
Inoue M, Tsuchiya Y, Koike N, Umemura Y, Inokawa H, Togashi Y, Maniwa J, Higashi M, Fumino S, Tajiri T, Yagita K.Pediatr Surg Int., 2019.
Incremental Grow justify-content-centerth Lines in Mouse Molar Dentin Represent 8-hr Ultradian Rhythm.
Ono R#, Koike N#, Inokawa H, Tsuchiya Y, Umemura Y, Yamamoto T, Kanamura N, Yagita K. #Equal contribution.Acta Histochem Cytochem. 52(6):93-99, 2019.
Human circadian molecular oscillation development using induced pluripotent stem cells.
Umemura Y, Maki I, Tshuchiya Y, Koike N, Yagita K*. J. Biol. Rhythm, 748730419865436, 2019.
REV-ERBa and REV-ERBb function as key factors regulating Mammalian Circadian Output.
Ikeda R#, Tsuchiya Y#, Koike N#, Umemura Y, Inokawa H, Ono R, Inoue M, Sasawaki Y, Grieten T, Okubo N, Ikoma K, Fujiwara H, Kubo T, Yagita K*. #Equal contribution.Sci. Rep., 9, 10171, 2019.
Non-coding cis-element of Period2 is essential for maintaining organismal circadian behaviour and body temperature rhythmicity.
Doi M, Shimatani H, Atobe Y, Murai I, Hayashi H, Takahashi Y, Fustin JM, Yamaguchi Y, Kiyonari H, Koike N, Yagita K, Lee C, Abe M, Sakimura K, Okamura H.Nature Comm., 10, 2563., 2019.
Cell-based screen identifies a new potent and highly selective CK2 inhibitor for modulation of circadian rhythms and cancer cell grow justify-content-centerth.
Oshima T, Niwa Y, Kuwata K, Srivastava A, Hyoda T, Tsuchiya Y, Kumagai M, Tsuyuguchi M, Tamaru T, Sugiyama A, Ono N, Zolboot N, Aikawa Y, Oishi S, Nonami A, Arai F, Hagihara S, Yamaguchi J, Tama F, Kunisaki Y, Yagita K, Ikeda M, Kinoshita T, Kay SA, Itami K, Hirota T. Science Ad. 5(1):eaau9060. 2019.
Cell-based screen identifies a new potent and highly selective CK2 inhibitor for modulation of circadian rhythms and cancer cell grow justify-content-centerth.
Oshima T, Niwa Y, Kuwata K, Srivastava A, Hyoda T, Tsuchiya Y, Kumagai M, Tsuyuguchi M, Tamaru T, Sugiyama A, Ono N, Zolboot N, Aikawa Y, Oishi S, Nonami A, Arai F, Hagihara S, Yamaguchi J, Tama F, Kunisaki Y, Yagita K, Ikeda M, Kinoshita T, Kay SA, Itami K, Hirota T. Science Ad. 5(1):eaau9060. 2019.
Identification of circadian clock modulators from existing drugs.
Tamai TK, Nakane Y, Ota W, Kobayashi A, Ishiguro M, Kadofusa N, Ikegami K, Yagita K,
Shigeyoshi Y, Sudo M, Nishiwaki-Ohkawa T, Sato A, Yoshimura T.
EMBO Mol Med. pii: e8724. doi:
10.15252/emmm.201708724., 2018.
Dual-scope of circadian rhythm biology.
Yagita K*..
Sleep Biol. Rhythms, 16, 1-2, 2018.
Chronic inflammation in mice exposed to the long-term unentrainable light‒dark cycles.
Minami Y#, Ohashi M#, Hotta E, Hisatomi M, Okada N, Konishi E, Teramukai S, Inokawa H,
Yagita K*. #Equal contribution.
Sleep Biol. Rhythms.,16, 63-68. 2018.
Disruption of circadian clockwork in in vivo reprogramming-induced mouse kidney tumors.
Ohashi M, Umemura Y, Koike N, Tsuchiya Y, Inada Y, Watanabe H, Tanaka T, Minami Y, Ukimura
O, Miki T, Tajiri T, Kondoh G, Yamada Y, Yagita K*.
Genes Cells, 23, 60-69, 2018.
Clock-dependent and system-driven oscillators interact in the suprachiasmatic nuclei to pace mammalian circadian rhythms.
Abitbol K, Debiesss S, Molino F, Mesirca P, Bidaud I, Minami Y, Mangoni ME, Yagita K,
Mollard P, Bonnefont X.
PLoS One, 12, e0187001, 2017.
Period2 3'-UTR and microRNA-24 regulate circadian rhythms by repressing PERIOD2 protein accumulation.
Yoo S-H, Kojima S, Shimomura K, Koike N, Buhr E, Furukawa T, Ko CH, Gloston G, Ayoub C,
Nohara K, Reyes BA, Tsuchita T, Yoo O-J, Yagita K, Lee C, Chen Z, Yamazaki S, Green C, Takahashi
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114, E8855-E8864, 2017.
Involvement of posttranscriptional regulation of Clock in the emergence of circadian clock oscillation during mouse development.
Umemura Y#, Koike N#, Ohashi M, Tsuchiya Y, Meng QJ, Minami Y, Hara M, Hisatomi M, Yagita
K*. #Equal contribution.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 114(36), E7479-88, 2017.
Robust circadian clock oscillation and osmotic rhythms in inner medulla reflecting cortico-medullary osmotic gradient rhythm in rodent kidney.
Hara M, Minami Y, Ohashi M, Tsuchiya Y, Kusaba T, Tamagaki K, Koike N, Umemura Y, Inokawa H,
Yagita K*.
Sci Rep., 7, 7306, 2017.
Transition of phase response properties and singularity in circadian limit cycle of culture cells.
Koinuma S, Kori H, Tokuda IT, Yagita K, Shigeoshi Y. PLoS One, e0181223, 2017.
Constant light exposure impairs immune tolerance development in mice.
Mizutani H, Tamagawa-Mineoka R, Minami Y, Yagita K, Katoh N. J Darmatol. Sci., 86, 63-70, 2017.
A PTH-responsive circadian clock operates in ex vivo mouse femurfracture healing site.
Kunimoto T, Okubo N, Minami Y, Fujiwara H, Hosokawa T, Asada M, Oda R, Kubo T, Yagita K*. Sci Rep., 6, 22409, 2016.
Effect of Multiple Clock Gene Ablations on the Circadian Period-Length and Temperature Compensation in Mammalian Cells.
Tsuchiya Y, Umemura Y, Minami Y, Koike N, Hosokawa T, Hara M, Ito H, Inokawa H, Yagita K*. J. Biol. Rhythm, 31, 48-56, 2016.
Disruption of MeCP2 attenuates circadian rhythm in CRISPR/Cas9-based Rett syndrome model mouse.
Tsuchiya Y, Minami Y, Umemura Y, Watanabe H, Ono D, Nakamura W, Takahashi T, Honma S, Kondoh
G, Matsuishi T, Yagita K*.
Genes Cells, 20, 992-1005, 2015.
Robust circadian rhythm and parathyroid hormone-induced resetting during hypertrophic differentiation in ATDC5 chondroprogenitor cells.
Hosokawa T, Tsuchiya Y, Okubo N, Kunimoto T, Minami Y, Fujiwara Y, Umemura Y, Koike N, Kubo
T, Yagita K*.
Acta Histchem. Cytochem., 48, 165-71, 2015.
C-H Activation Generates Period-Shortening Moleculaes That Target Cryptochrome in the Mammalian Circadian Clock.
Oshima T, Yamanaka I, Kumar A, Yamaguchi J, Nishiwaki-Okawa T, Muto K, Kawamura R, Hirota T,
Yagita K, Irie S, Kay SA, Yoshimura T, Itami K.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 54, 7193-7197, 2015.
Parathyroid hormone resets the cartilage circadian clock of the organ-cultured murine femur.
Okubo N, Fujiwara H, Minami Y, Kunimoto T, Hosokawa T, Umemura Y, Inokawa H, Asada M, Oda R,
Kubo T, Yagita K
Acta Orthopaedica. 2015 86(5):627-31.
Transcriptional program of Kpna2/Importin-α2 regulates cellular differentiation- coupled circadian clock development in mammalian cells.
Umemura Y, Koike N, Matsumoto T, Yoo SH, Chen Z, Yasuhara N, Takahashi JS, Yagita K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 111(47):E5039-48, 2014
Cell and tissue-autonomous development of the circadian clock in mouse embryos.
Inada Y, Uchida H, Umemura Y, Nakamura W, Sakai T, Koike N, Yagita K. FEBS Lett. 588(3):459-65, 2014
Prolonged bioluminescence monitoring in mouse ex vivo bone culture revealed persistent circadian rhythms in articular cartilages and grow justify-content-centerth plates.
Okubo N, Minami Y, Fujiwara H, Umemura Y, Tsuchiya Y, Shirai T, Oda R, Inokawa H, Kubo T,
Yagita K
PLoS One, 8, e78306, 2013
An in vitro ES cell-based clock recapitulation assay model identifies CK2a as an endogenous clock regulator.
Umemura Y, Yoshida J, Wada M, Tsuchiya Y, Minami Y, Watanabe H, Kondoh G, Takeda J, Inokawa
H, Horie K, Yagita K*
PLoS One, 8, e67241, 2013 (* Corresponding author)
Regional circadian period difference in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the mammalian circadian center.,
Koinuma S, Asakawa T, Nagano M, Furukawa K, Sujino M, Masumoto KH, Nakajima Y, Hashimoto S,
Yagita K, Shigeyoshi Y
Eur J Neurosci.. doi: 10.1111/ejn.12308. 2013
Mammalian TIMELESS is involved in period determination and DNA damage-dependent phase advancing of the circadian clock.
Engelen E, Janssens RC, Yagita K, Smits VA, van der Horst GT, Tamanini F PLoS One, 8, e56623, 2013
The prtorous CPD photolyase rescues a cryptochrome-deficient mammalian circadian clock.
Chaves I, Nijman RM, Biernat MA, Bajek MI, de Silva AC, Saito S, Yagita K, Eker AP, van der
Horst GT,
PLoS One, 6, e23447, 2011
A Simple and highly efficient transgenesis method in mice with the Tol2 transposon system and cytoplasmic microinjection.,
Sumiyama K, Kawakami K, Yagita K Genomics, 95, 306-311, 2010.
Development of circadian oscillator during differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cell in vitro.,
Yagita K*, Horie K, Koinuma S, Nakamura W, Yamanaka I, Urasaki A, Shigeyoshi Y, Kawakami K,
Shimada S, Takeda J, Uchiyama Y
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 107, 3846-3851, 2010. (*
Corresponding author)
Juxtacellular labeling of tonically active neurons and phasically active neurons in the rat striatum.
Inokawa H, Yamada H, Matsumoto N, Muranishi M, Kimura M Neuroscience, 168:395-404. 2010
Real-time monitoring of circadian clock oscillations in primary culture of mammalian cells using Tol2 transposon-mediated gene transfer strategy.
Yagita K*, Yamanaka I, Emoto N, Kawakami K, Shimada S BMC Biotechnology, 10, 3, 2010. (*Corresponding author)
Miniscreening of kinase inhibitors affecting period-length of mammalian cellular circadian clock.
Yagita K*, Yamanaka I, Koinuma S, Shigeyoshi Y, Uchiyama Y
Acta Histochem. Cytochem.,42:
89-93, 2009 (* Corresponding author)
The resetting of the circadian rhythm by prostaglandin J2 is distinctly phase- dependent.
Koinuma S, Yagita K, Fujioka A, Takashima N, Takumi T, Shigeyoshi Y FEBS Lett, 583, 413-418, 2008.
Presence of Robust circadian clock oscillation under constitutive over-expression of mCry1 in rat-1 fibroblasts.
Yamanaka I, Koinuma S, Shigeyoshi Y, Uchiyama Y, Yagita K* FEBS Lett., 581, 4098-4102, 2008. (*Corresponding Author)
Detection of a circadian enhancer in the mDbp promoter using prokaryotic transposon vector based strategy.,
Kiyohara, Y#, Nishii K#, Ukai-Tadenuma M, Ueda HR, Uchiyama Y, Yagita K* Nucl. Acids Res., 36, e23, 2008. (*Corresponding Author)
Melatonin-dependent photo-pertubation reveals desynchronization underlying the singularity of mammalian circadian clocks.,
Ukai H, Kobayashi TJ, Nagano M, Masumoto K, Sujino M, Kondo T, Yagita K, Shigeyoshi Y, Ueda
Nat Cell Biol., 9, 1327-34, 2007
Circadian expression of clock genes in human peripheral leukocytes.
Fukuya H, Emoto N, Nonaka H, Yagita K, Okamura H, Yokoyama M Biochem. Biophys Res Commun. 354, 924-8, 2007
The BMAL1 C terminus regulates the circadian transcription feedback loop.
Kiyohara Y.B#, Tagao S#, Tamanini F, Morita A, Sugisawa Y, Yasuda M, Yamanaka I, Ueda H.R,
van der Horst GTJ, Kondo T, and Yagita K*
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 103, 10074-9, 2006.
(*Corresponding Author)
Does mPER2 protein oscillate without its coding mRNA cycling?: post-transcriptional regulation by cell clock.,
Fujimoto Y, Yagita K, Okamura H Genes Cells, 11, 525-530, 2006.
Rhythmic post-transcriptional regulation of the circadian clock protein mPER2 in mammalian cells: A real-time analysis.
Nishii K, Yamanaka I, Yasuda M, Kiyohara YB, Kitayama Y, Kondo T, Yagita K* Neurosci. Lett. 401, 44-48, 2006. (*Corresponding Author)
Functional evolution of the photolyase/cryptochrome protein family: the importance of the C-terminus of mammalian CRY1 for circadian core oscillator performance.
Chaves I, Yagita K, Barnhoorn S, Okamura H, van der Horst GTJ, Tamanini F Mol. Cell. Biol. 26, 1743-1753, 2006
Role of cyclic mPer2 expression in mammalian cellular clock.
Yamamoto Y#, Yagita K#, Okamura H,
Mol. Cell. Biol. 25, 1912-21, 2005 (# Co-first Author)
Circadian clock genes directly regulate expression of the Na/H exchanger NHE3 in the kidney.
Saifur RohmanM, Emoto N, Nonaka H, Okura R, Nishimura M, Yagita K, van der Horst GT, Matsuo
M, Okamura H, Yokoyama M
Kidney Int. 67:1410-9.2005
Synchronization of cellular clocks in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Yamaguchi S, Isejima H, Matsuo T, Okura R, Yagita K, Kobayashi M, Okamura H Science. ;302, 1408-12,2003
Brain expression of apurinic / apyrimidinic endonuclease (APE/Ref-1) multifunctional DNA repair enzyme gene in the mouse with special reference to the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Kimura H, Dong X, Yagita K, Okamura H Neurosci Res. 46:443-52.2003
Alterations of circadian expressions of clock genes in Dahl salt-sensitive rats fed a high- salt diet.
Mohri T, Emoto N, Nonaka H, Fukuya H, Yagita K, Okamura H, Yokoyama M Hypertension. 42:189-94.2003
Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling and mCRY-dependent inhibition of ubiquitylation of the mPER2 clock protein.
Yagita K, Tamanini F, Yasuda M, Hoeijmakers JH, van der Horst GT, Okamura H EMBO J., 21, 1301-1314: 2002
Novel function of transactivation domain of the pituitary specific transcription factoe, Pit-1.
Kishimoto M. Okimura Y, Yaita K, Iguchi G, Fumoto M, Iida K, Kaji H, Okamura H, Chihara K J. Biol. Chem., 277, 45141-8, 2002
Rev-erb alpha gene expression in the mouse brain with special emphasis on its circadian profiles in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Onishi H, Yamaguchi S, Yagita K, Ishida Y, Dong X, Kimura H, Jing Z, Ohara H, Okamura H J. Neurosci. Res. 68: 551-557, 2002
Circadian rhythm of aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus: gene expression and decarboxylating activity in clock oscillating cells.
Ishida Y, Yokoyama C, Inatomi T, Yagita K, Dong X, Yan L, Yamaguchi S, Nagatsu I, Komori T,
Kitahama K, Okamura H
Genes Cells. 7: 447-459: 2002
Restoration of circadian behavioural rhythms in a period null Drosophila mutant (per01) by mammalian period homologues mPer1 and mPer2.
Shigeyoshi Y, Meyer-Bernstein E, Yagita K, Fu W, Chen Y, Takumi T, Schotland P, Sehgal A,
Okamura H
Genes Cells. 7: 163-171: 2002
Rhythmic expression of ROR beta mRNA in the mice suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Sumi Y, Yagita K, Yamaguchi S, Ishida Y, Kuroda Y, Okamura H Neurosci Lett. 320: 13-16, 2002
Molecular mechanisms of the biological clock in cultured fibroblasts.,
Yagita K, Tamanini F, van Der Horst GT, Okamura H Science., 292:278-81. 2001
Constitutive expression and delayed light response of casein kinase Iepsilon and Idelta mRNAs in the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus.,
Ishida Y, Yagita K, Fukuyama T, Nishimura M, Nagano M, Shigeyoshi Y, Yamaguchi S, Komori T,
Okamura H
J Neurosci Res. 64:612-6. 2001
Angiotensin II induces circadian gene expression of clock genes in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells.,
Nonaka H, Emoto N, Ikeda K, Fukuya H, Rohman MS, Raharjo SB, Yagita K, Okamura H, Yokoyama
Circulation., 104:1746-8. 2001
Langerhans cell histiocytosis of an adult with tumors in liver and spleen.,
Yagita K, Iwai M, Yagita-Toguri M, Kimura H, Taniwaki M, Misawa S, Okanoue T, Kashima K,
Tsuchihashi Y
Hepatogastroenterology. 48: 581-584.2001
Expression of the Per1 gene in the hamster: brain atlas and circadian characteristics in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.,
Yamamoto S, Shigeyoshi Y, Ishida Y, Fukuyama T, Yamaguchi S, Yagita K, Moriya T, Shibata S,
Takashima N, Okamura H
J Comp Neurol., 19, 518-32. 2001
Different developmental profiles of the expression of preprosomatostatin and preprotachykinin-A mRNAs in rat SCN neurons.,
Nakamura T, Shigeyoshi Y, Maebayashi Y, Yamaguchi S, Yagita K, Okamura H Brain Res. Dev. Brain Res., 127, 81-6, 2001
Dimerization and nuclear entry of mPER proteins in mammalian cells.,
Yagita K, Yamaguchi S, Tamanini F, van Der Horst GT, Hoeijmakers JH, Yasui A, Loros JJ,
Dunlap JC, Okamura H.
Genes & Dev., 14:1353-63. 2000
Forskolin induces circadian gene expression of rPer1, rPer2 and dbp in mammalian rat-1 fibroblasts.,
Yagita K, Okamura H
FEBS Lett., 465:79-82. 2000
Phase-dependent responses of Per1 and Per2 genes to a light-stimulus in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the rat.,
Miyake S, Sumi Y, Yan L, Takekida S, Fukuyama T, Ishida Y, Yamaguchi S, Yagita K, Okamura H Neurosci. Lett., 294, 41-4, 2000
The 5’ upstream region of mPer1 gene contains two promoters and is responsible for circadian oscillation.,
Yamaguchi S, Mitsui S, Miyake S, Yan L, Onishi H, Yagita K, Suzuki M, Shibata S, Kobayashi
M, Okamura H
Curr. Biol., 10, 873-6, 2000
Role of DBP in the circadian oscillatory mechanism..,
Yamaguchi S, Mitsui S, Yan L, Yagita K, Miyake S, Okamura H Mol. Cel. Biol., 20, 4773-81, 2000
A light-independent oscillatory gene mPer3 in mouse SCN and OVLT.,
Takumi T, Taguchi K, Miyake S, Sakakida Y, Takashima N, Matsubara C, Maebayashi Y, Okumura
K, Takekida S, Yamamoto S, Yagita K, Yan L, Young MW, Okamura H
EMBO J.,17:4753-9. 1998
A new mammalian period gene predominantly expressed in the suprachiasmatic nucleuus.,
Takumi T, Matsubara C, Shigeyoshi Y, Taguchi K, Yagita K, Maebayashi Y, Sakakida Y, Okumura
K, Takashima N, Okamura H
Genes Cells.,3:167-76. 1998
Rehydration process from salt-loading: recovery of vasopressin and its coexisting galanin, dynorphin, and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivities in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei.
Yagita K, Okamura H, Ibata Y Brain Res., 667: 13-23. 1994